There is absolutely no better way to wake up on a lovely 14*F December night than by the shrill noise of a fire alarm outside your apartment door. Especially when you are sick! I have been plagued with this ridiculous chest cold for a whole week now and I am ready for it to be done. However, I highly doubt I will be back to healthy if I have to keep spending unnecessary time outdoors in the freezing temperatures!
Let me recap last night for you, since I am sure ya'll are interested (okay, I know you are not, but I want to vent anyway!) I was all snuggled in my warm, cozy bed dreaming about something when this ear splitting, mind jarring, shrill blasts into my apartment. I groggily wake up, look at my alarm clock which I swear says 4:30AM and then lay there for a few minutes trying to grasp what is going on.
As I told my supervisor, who scolded me when I told her how long it took me to get out of my apartment, I didn't smell smoke so I was not in any hurry. Plus, I am not one of those people who sleeps in lots of clothing. Even in the winter time, the less the better I sleep! I was wearing shorts and a tank top but that is hardly 14*F attire! I had to then dig around for some sweatpants to throw on, and then a sweatshirt, socks, shoes, jacket, scarf, gloves, etc. I ran a brush through my hair (I don't know, I was barely conscious but that is what I thought I had to do) and stuffed a few things into my purse (aka my nook and my cellphone), found my keys and then locked my apartment door and went outside. I know, I'm slow. Had this been a real fire, I'd be dead because I live on the third floor so... yea. Anyway, I wasn't the last to leave my apartment building so at least I was somewhat quicker than my neighbors were.
There was a total of five firetrucks outside and it still took them a whole fifteen minutes to figure out that the building was not on fire and we could return inside. I think I tried to ask a neighbor if they saw anything but a crackling frog croak came out of my mouth instead. Like I said, I am sick. Finally they let us back in but does that mean that the alarm was turned off? No! It took another 45 minutes for that damn noise to stop blasting away. I was so unhappy. However, on a good note... it was not 4:30AM... it was only 2AM so I was still able to get some sleep in afterwords.
The moral of this story is that I would burn/suffocate to death if this was an actual fire because I have the response time of a snail that is half asleep.
On another note, I made progress in my hooping practice today and I only managed to cough nonstop for 30 minutes afterwords! My boyfriend wonders why I didn't want to go to the gym yesterday and today, well this would be why. I hack up a lung. I also was going to make our premade meals this week but I don't think he would appreciate receiving my cold... though I think he gave it to me in the first place so who knows.
That is all for now! I hope everybody is having a much healthier week than I am!
The Kettlebelle
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